Saturday, September 29, 2012

3 hives

Keith came over and we looked at the hives today.  The oldest hive is chalk full of bees.  The honey inside is red, maybe like a birdfeeder red.  I wonder if they are sucking up a birdfeeder's nectar, or if the red sun flowers did it.  It's red.  Ruby red.  That hive is great.  The guard bees seem to hate me but didn't bother Keith at all.

The newest hive was light.  It seemed that there weren't a lot of bees going in and out, and not a lot of eggs.   There is no shortage of capped honey in there, but sheesh, not enough brood.  I fed them a patty and am considering pinching the queen and combining hives.

The green hive has really full comb, lots of eggs, lots of bees on the comb, but not really a lot of new comb.   I think it will behoove me to combine these two hives.

I'll carry one over to the other, place newspaper between them and combine them for a week, then move the comb down into the frame.  I would feel great about it if I actually saw the queen in the green hive.  Not seeing her bothers me.  I don't want to pinch the queen if I can avoid it.  maybe she is just not laying.

I want Jose to come and see the hives.

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